Hey guys,
3 years ago I use to come to this site daily, I was really hooked. Unfortunately I had to sell most of my hobby related things in the past years due to hard times. But things have been looking up in the past several months and its great to be back!
I was looking in my closet and found my old coveralls and it hit me…“i need Michael Myers back in my life”. My favorite mask is the H20 version.
Back when I used to come here the silver shampain H20 was the mask to own and I noticed that they are still around. Is that still the best one or have they been knocked off?
So what is the hottest H20 mask around these days? I’m sure that I could look around and find some answers but I would like to hear direct opinions from the experts.
well, I think just like any mask, it comes down to personal taste and what you want to see in that mask. Myself…I really like the SEVEN V2 from Gary over at H30 Productions, but really it’s just a matter of looking around till you find “The One”.
Thanks for the reply’s guys. I actually use to own Garys Reunion mask a while back. It was amazing I really loved it and you cant beat his prices. The only problem was that it was too big for me.
The SSN H20 looks perfect in the pics. The price is up there though. I’m gonna have to get with them on the size because for 300 bucks I don’t want to regret it.