Hello everyone! Was wondering if Mr. Carter is still taking orders. I have sent him messages on here and on facebook to bo avail for about 5 months now. I just want to know if he is still taking orders, as I do NOT want to harass the man. I just just adamant in what I want, and am prepared to wait until my time. If anyone knows how to best get incontact with James, or whether he is still takingorders or not, please let me know. Thanks!
Sorry for no response… I’ve been trying to catch up on replying to people this past week to the point that my eyes are crossed lol. I’m still taking orders, or more like adding people’s names to my queue. Yes my wait time is absurd and yes I have tried to do a cut off in the past with no luck… people’s masks still show up on my doorstep unannounced and they insist that I do the work for them. So a cut off is pretty much useless for me! I just keep on rockin n’ rollin and doing the best I can to keep folks happy! But I’m not complaining, just making a point. I am extremely thankful for all of you guys that want my services! Sorry again for the delay buddy. Hit me up on FB again or let me know your name and contact info and I’ll add you to my queue. Thanks man!!!
Thank you, just sent you another message on fb. I appreciate what you do, and the time you take for myself and everyone else.