James Jude Courtney Unmasked

Ah Ha a close up of the geriatric Michael Myers!!

It makes me curious if they regularly put Michael under thorazine to give him a trim now and then.

Would’nt want to be his barber!! :open_mouth:

Keep an eye on your spare shears and razors. :wink:

As long as it’s not Halloween, you’re safe from Michael, right? I still wouldn’t get too close.

injured eye looks crazy but his performance in 2018 movie was amazing

Yeah, Laurie kinda just poked his eye with the hanger, she didn’t really go Kill Bill on him

The beard throws me off, ha.

JJC was awesome as the Shape, looking forward to his return in next 2 movies

Lol, that eye scarring is kinda ridiculous. I would have just left it as a blue eye with some minor surgical scarring.

Couldn’t he have just worn a dead contact and they just put tiny latex scars on his eyelid, like they did with Tony Moran?