Jimmy Falco partnership with NAG

So who’s down for paying $800 for Jimmy’s new H1 mask? It’s limited to 40. I know he is partnering up with Nik from NAG, but idk who has what in the creation of the mask. I think the mask it’s self is called “10/31”. UPDATE…never mind all spots are taken!

:unamused: Would have been but sold out. I’d never even heard of it.

I haven’t talked with him about if he plans to release the info publicly, but I’m sure he’ll reveal the rest at some point!

It’s on Instagram

I meant the details, not what he posted on instagram :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m very honored & happy to be collaborating with one of the best artists within the hobby. When I first acquired the Kirk there were many “complications” & flak surrounding it. The previous owners & other people with a lot of he said she said crap. I took it upon my self to make things 100% right & legit with the original / rightful owner, so the project could move forward. I settled a long disputed situation and gained a very close friend in the process.

Nik has been hard at work on this for quite some time now. The post was made public on Facebook yesterday within the main collecting groups. As always…with any type of limited run there are people who drop out, where others are able to jump in and acquire a spot. As of right now, I have a list of 40 collectors who requested a spot with serious interest. Every single one of those people were sent every detail about the project before requesting a spot.

I will not be or have requested a single cent from anyone. I want the collector to see exactly what they are getting. The promo copies are currently on there way to my shop where I will finish a kirk and myers. After they are posted I will be reaching out to each and every person on the list for payment. If any slots open I will be posting the amount left to fill the run and everyone will have a fair chance to obtain that. I plan to have all 40 masks to everyone before this years Halloween.

IF ANYONE… has any further questions or want to know any more details about the creation, process, or the mask itself feel free to message me by pm or on Facebook.

Looks amazing, Jimmy! Can’t wait to see the promos!

gonna be sweet!!!

Thank you very much guys.

Very proud of you brother. I do recall saying " big things happening at Spookhouse Props" ,last year . LOL

That’s really great news Jimmy! :rock: :pumpkin:

Thank you Jay & Hugo! Very excited

Muzz your mask is on the chopping block btw!

Good lord, that’s an amazing looking mask.

Only a couple slots left!

Message me on Facebook

Jimmy Falco

I’d want to see a finish and completed mask before I threw down $825 for a mask. The sculpt looks fantastic but masks can take on different character depending on finishing and hair. Just wish we could see what the mask will look like BEFORE we pay

Look at any other finished H1 by Jimmy, that’ll tell you how they’ll look (amazing)! :slight_smile:

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This is the first I am hearing of it. Damn I would be interested if I knew sooner.

Thank you so much to everyone who kickstarted the 10/31 project yesterday! There are still spots available. The promo copies are currently on there way to my shop where they will be finished and posted very soon.

H1 finish. All customers can request Kirk h1 or h2.

I jumped on board for this, hoping this is the ultimate Myers/Kirk 78 mask. Just starting my shape collection with this and a TOTS 40 rehaul being done by remzap86.