John Carpenter involved with Halloween 3D...

In a recent interview, John Carpenter said that film company Dimension, a subsidiary of The Weinstein Company, has been in contact with him to possibly write and/or direct the anticipated Halloween 3D. Carpenter expressed interest in the project saying that he is looking forward to working on the film. This, of course, comes as a big surprise to the horror community because of Carpenter’s continued distancing of the Halloween franchise over the years. At this time, little is known as to exactly what Carpenter’s specific involvement will be concerning Halloween 3D, but according to Carpenter’s comments in the interview, he will definitely be involved. Dread Central will continue to cover this news when more about the situation comes to light.


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: You had me excited for a minute. I totally fell for it, but that would be awesome, and possible Halloween’s saving grace if Carpenter came back

same here, totally forgot the day, damn it all :laughing:

You son of a… :finga:
Got me too…I forwarded it to a friend :laughing: !!!

Bastard! :laughing:

Damn you! :smiley:


Good one, I was about to get excited about the Halloween series again! :imp: :laughing:

Aww you prankster. :laughing: Only for a Split second I believed this.

you got me too… :smiley: :laughing:


haha, i fell for it, too. well written :slight_smile:

I hate you. lol. :supz:

That was just WRONG!!!.I was expecting April Fool’s threads,but this one had me going for a minute.

Good one :laughing:

lol glad its just a joke … old carpenter movies had no story line sorry but thats just my 2 cents

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Exactly my thoughts. Oh well, too bad it won`t happen… (maybe???)

:open_mouth: :axe:

Damn :frowning:
Best april fools prank by far my friend
nice :laughing:

I almost died 3 times today :axe:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Sorry guys, the idea popped in my head and I couldn’t resist!
I guess my attempt at a April Fools joke was successful! :smiling_imp: :laughing: