John Carpenters HALLOWEEN Myers Mask

I didn’t know the eye brows were painted on any of the 3 masks used in John Carpenters HALLOWEEN

Here is a screen shot of my Blu Ray HALLOWEEN i took the HD quality is fantastic - i’ll post more soon

I have the halloween blu ray. its fantastic.

my favorite is when she is looking outside of the school at the station wagon and michael… you can actually SEE the mask and the facial features. great transfer

wicked i haven’t watched it yet just browsing through it’s entirety it is on my PC as it has a blu ray player in it.

Just wanted to throw this in: Halloween on Blu Ray is only $10 at Walmart now. Just bought mine last week! :smiley:

Sweet! You should throw some more up. :smiley:

I’m not entirely sure THIS particular mask is the HERO either. The eye cuts look a little large to me, (anyone know for sure???) and I really think it’s the lighting making it look like the brows were painted. Or, the white paint just doesn’t cover it up as well.

Yes, please post MORE pictures!

Those are awesome!

-Big D

That one is when his mask get’s pulled off and he quickly pulls it back on, so the eyes are stretched.

That is, in fact, the STUNT mask, not the hero.

The eyebrows weren’t painted. The Kirk mask has sculpted eye brows and they glued real hair to the eye brows. They pulled the hair off the eye brows on the Myers mask and the brown glue (they used a shoe glue in the 70s and early 80s that turned brown when dried) did not stick to paint well. This also causes the side burn glue marks to stand out. Here’s a picture to help show what I mean. Note the brown glue marks on the left side of the beard.

I knew it! :smiley: Thanks for the confirmation. I’d been wondering this for years.

There were 3 masks i can’t see why this one wasn’t painted. I mean wouldn’t they off pulled off the hair before they painted white?

I’m not doubting your story Sheriff Bracket just saying for this circumstance in particular

here is more the rest i will throw up tomorrow

eye brows before the mask is ripped off

The eyebrows were not painted on the Hero.
TLW clearly states he ripped them off and painted the mask white.

I have a mask which was converted from a Kirk replica. The eyebrows have been ripped off and have been painted over all WHITE. Like Sheriff Bracket states the paint on my mask does not stick nor mix too well with the left over glue on the sculpted eyebrows. It gets dirty/stained and weathered easily and makes it seem that the mask has painted eyebrows under darker lighting.

The stunt mask used in the scene when Laurie is being choked and the school yard scene where Yablins son bumps into the Shape has bigger eyecuts, extreme fleshtones under the chin and darker/dirtier eyebrows. I think this is due to the fact that it’s a STUNT mask and was converted quickly so it looks extremely rough.

The 3rd back-up mask with eyebrows and sideburns was never used.

Great screen caps btw :slight_smile:

You are a bastion of HalloweeN knowledge, Professor K! :smiley:

Days of sleepless nights researching…bugging DW and others…info shared by the good Seniors of this forum :prayer: :prayer: lol

no, no that’s cool :slight_smile: Regardless it just goes to show an H1 mask with darker eyebrows wouldn’t look half bad at all IMO

That was really my whole generalized point i was trying to make in a nutshell :slight_smile:

Awesome, CLEAR pictures, thanks, I’m stealing every single one of them! :smiling_imp: :laughing:

It’s all good have at it :laughing:

I have more which really turned out nice - you have any scene i particular you can think off you may want posted ?

I’m actually considering making multiple copies of the blu ray version to give away -haven’t decided yet though (that could be a big undertaking)

Post them all!! This is a great thread!!
We have had threads like this but the pictures here are crystal clear!!
