Just arrived! Another AHG SL KIRK dark hair

Scored another AHG SL Kirk, darker hair and flesh tone.

Was this on ebay?

Awesome!!! :drinkers:

I think I’m going to consider getting a mask from him, cause hot damn! First his H4’s catch my eye and then this. :astonished:

Yes it was

Thanks man! :drinkers:

Yeah man you really should it’s worth it, I have the h4 also it’s beautiful :pumpkin:

I was trying to find his stuff on eBay earlier, anyone have a direct link to his store?

allhallowsghost on eBay but he does not have a store, he only posts one at a time once he finishes them. In fact I got this one from a different user on eBay.

Display looks Awesome! Glad you got them. :smiley: :drinkers:

Thank you!

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I wanted to bid. But I need a myers first, so I bought a NAG instead. Nice score. It’s a great kirk

Thank you and what NAG did you pick up? I can’t wait to get one myself

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I have a “Shape 78” on order

Starting to think you own every one he’s ever made! Lmao. Great score!

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Lol [emoji23] yeah it would seem that way but I’m sure there is a few more out there for me to hunt down haha! thanks again man!

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That’s a beautiful mask man can’t wait to see pics of that one!

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