Just curious

I remember when RZ’s H1 was released a few different Horror magazines did articles on the film…Like Fangooria did a few, Rue mourge and I even think Horror hound did one…Ive only seen one mag with a RZ H2 section and it wasnt a horror magazine…Does anyone know if any others did something on H2…Stupid question but I like reading the articles in them and browsing through the pics…Also has any word been given on the DVD release…Later guys

All the major zines covered H2 and Fango had a pretty killer cover.

Oh ok cool…I didnt see them…I guess I will have to look harder LoL…Thanks man

Yea Fangoria did a nice wright up on it, there’s a thread where someone here scanned the pages and posted them.

Damn I cant seem to find it…Does fangoria sell back issues…Id like to pick that one up…Thanks guys

here ya go

Damn man its out of stock but thanks for trying to help bro…Later man