Hey guys, i have a questions regarding the KH mask… what makes this mask the holy grail of collectors? ive seen other mask that are more screen accurate then the KH for less the money this mask goes for… why does this mask goes for so much, is it that there limited? i saw this mask in person at a convention and personally i think these mask are over rated but thats just me…

Have you seen the KH mask worn yet? I agree that unworn it doesn’t look so accurate. But as soon as that bad boy is put on, it transforms into Dick Warlock wearing the hero. It’s very close. Also it’s extremely limited and highly sought after, which is why the price tag on it is high. Not to mention Ken spent a long long time sculpting it, while holding the actual Hero mask in his hands to capture every detail. Plenty of pics in the gallery.

never seen it worn just behind a glass case…

Jon wearing #2




Rogers redone copy

the “Hero”


Matthews copy

The Hero

the mask does look awesome in thoses pic…

best H2 by faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar…

that is one kickass mask, sweeeeetttttttt!!! :rock: :rock:

The KH is the most accurate replica ever made! Ken Hertlein had the hero IN HAND along with Dick Warlock by his side to make the perfect replica.

Jigsaw240, I think the reason you probably wasn’t impressed with the KH you saw in person was likely due to the way that it was stuffed or perhaps it was not stuffed at all.

The KH is a thin mask and must be worn or stuffed to look like it did when Dick Warlock wore it. But doesn’t that make sense? The hero mask unworn looks the same way!!

Kaizu’s post really proves more than ANY words could. Those pics are DEAD ON to the hero. I’ve never seen a Warlock pull that off.

In fact I met up with Dick Warlock a couple weeks ago for a long lunch. I brought my KH and my Warlock for him to sign. He immediately pointed out problems with the Warlock, he studied the KH and “that’s it” was his response. The only thing he found “off” was that the hair needed to be camel colored.

Keep in mind Dick owned the hero from 1981 until just a few years ago so he would know!!!

Good question just the same.

This is my copy stuffed with some eyes, I think it really makes the mask pop:

Are we gunna see some updated pics of this copy soon Benny?


Yes! I actually am trying to get some time to do full costume shots along with some of my DB2 in full costume as well. Sorry it’s taken so long. :blush:

WOW, Some of theose photos are amazing. Bang on to the screen caps!!!

hey michealantern ur right when i saw the mask it wasnt stuffed so the look was way different, after seeing all these pic, now i know why the priced awesome replica

DAMN you and your copy Benny. AMAZING!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Damn Kaizu! They’re some really nice comparison pics bro. :smiley:

You sure do your homework. :wink:

:open_mouth: Far Superior to the accuracy of the Warlock. Great shots :drinkers:

k the maslo is about as close as your gonna get…Id kill to own one of these…I think the mask looks great displayed and worn…It depends on how you stuff if just like with any mask…The right stuffing and the mask comes to life…Put on the right size head and the mask comes to life…Well worth the price tag IMO and If I had the opportunity I would of paid it in a heart beat…Later guys

Ah, the one that got away :cry:

This is why KH own’s the crown of the king

Awesome pics Jon and without a question the KH is the best H2 mask ever made and one of the two or three best Myers masks ever made PERIOD!