KH/AS "IMAGE MASK" #2 . . . . . . . . . 2002 style!

Congrats Benny! You must have made a deal with the devil or something…you are on fire. Just remember he’ll collect your soul in 10 yrs. :laughing: :smiling_imp:

Good stuff and happy for ya :mrgreen: :rock:

_Thank you everyone! I truly appreciate the kind words and I know James does as well.

Thanks James for pulling this off to perfection for me. By the way if you have any pics left from this shoot PLEASE post them bad boys up!! I’d love to have a few more to tide me over until it gets here.

Also thanks to Ken, Andrew and Dick for all the work that went into making this sculpt what it turned out to be. In my opinion all three KH’s (although all similar) each have their own uniqueness about them and make up the perfect “Halloween II Myers Mask Trilogy”!

In addition, I’d like to say thanks to my very good friend Matt who is the owner of the beast that is simply known as THE “#2”! I asked him about doing this close to a year ago and he (unselfishly as usual) gave me his blessings. Had he not I wouldn’t have went ahead with this request to James nor would Mr. Carter have obliged me!

Finally thanks to each and all of you who looked and/or commented. It’s great to know I’m part of a board whose joy of seeing others’ happy with their scores rivals their own joy of receiving their dream scores.

I hope ALL OF YOU have a very Happy New Year that is one of the best ever.


No problem buddy at all. All the credit goes to Ken, Andrew and James on the project. I was humbled and honored to send you some shots of it to replicate. All I did was take some crappy photos and hit send. James pulled off his usual magic on it and perfection. Great, now the #2 has gone down in value because there is a carbon copy out there :imp:. :axe:

Side note: I actually wonder how many people have the KH trilogy. You don’t see many of any KHs anymore, including the KH/AS masks.

:laughing: No matter how good NOTHING is going to bring down the value of that beast my brother!!! :rock: :rock:

Also before I had James to do this I requested this be a one off so this isn’t something that will happen again. As far as the KH trilogy, that is a good question. I do know ONE other collector who has such a set and SHOULD post some pics of those beasts!!! :wink:

Thanks again for your blessings on this project and (of course) the great pics you shared with me! :rock:

Way better… :sunglasses:


I really appreciate all the comments in here you guys I am very pleased with this ones outcome, and I now have several requests for early KH/DW style paint-ups… we’ll see! But as Benny mentioned, I will not be doing anymore KH/AS masks with the KH/DW #2 finishing… this is a one of a kind for sure.

I can’t wait for you to see this one in hand, Benny!.. and here’s a few more quick shots.

Thanks again everyone!

James, you did excellent work here.

WOW, Benny!!! You’re scoring gems left and right . Whats going to be your next score? The actual Hero mask? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Great score my friend and superb job brotha James.

Honestly I have nothing to say but that I’m speechless on how incredible this one came out. I keep coming back thinking of something to post but I can’ That’s how mind blowing these pics are to me.
I’d like to shake James hands thru the Pc
Huge congrats brotha Benny :drinkers: :drinkers:

WHAT THE FRICK!!! Oh my Benny is one lucky man. I saw these on Facebook and thought it was an original KH/DW or SLE. I had no idea it was an Image!!! Damn that is old school goodness at its best. James you really got me pumped with this conversion. DAMN! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :rock:

**_Thanks everyone! I’m so pumped about this score and appreciate you guys dropping in, much appreciated.

James you did it brother!! Thanks man…REALLY thanks! :rock:


Thanks everyone! I’m so pumped about this score and appreciate you guys dropping in, much appreciated.

James you did it brother!! Thanks man…REALLY thanks! :rock:

Wow, I’m blown away by all the great comments in here!.. as well as the PMs and texts about this one! When I started this make over, I wasn’t sure what I was going to end up with. Now I can safely say that it turned out fantastic, and I definitely learned some new techniques along the way! I have another KH/AS up real soon, and I can’t wait to see what my bud has planned for it! It’s special projects like this that really gets my blood pumping! :smiling_imp:

Thanks again to everyone in here… and hey Benny, tracking # sent… He’s on his way home!


Congrats brother Benny. Once that badboy arrives I think you need to post up an updated collection pic for us to see. :rock: Mike

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Awesome news James! I can honestly say I’m more eager to receive this package than any I have in a LONG time!

Thanks brother Mike! I am going to have to get off my lazy arse and take some new pics for sure.

Lol, thanks Haddonfield Psycho.

And James…if there is any chance there are any more pics…well, it wouldn’t hurt my feelings!!! :mrgreen:

That’s one rugged neck James!

Pick 3rd from the bottom gives me the creeps!

Wow, this IS a dead-ringer! Lucky S.O.B. Benny! Make sure you take pics of all them together when you get it! Can’t believe I missed this one earlier! Fantastic work, James!

Benny + insane mask collection + camera = latex porn. Come on with the pics, Benny. :smiley:

That thing is so much #2 that its crazy!!! That could almost pass for an original KH it’s so good. Amazing work my friend. Wow! :open_mouth: Benny HUGE congrats brother!!!