KH/AS "IMAGE MASK" #2 . . . . . . . . . 2002 style!

This one is for my good bud, Benny (Michaelantern). Benny had only one request… he wanted it to look as much like the KH/DW #2 as possible, so this is what I came up with. I tweaked the original eye cuts to match the KH/DW #2’s eyes, and dyed the hair to get the color I wanted. I also tweaked the hairline to match up with the #2 as best I could! The paint was obviously done to match the #2 as well, but with my own twist here and there. All I can say is this one was the most fun I have had working on a Myers in a long time, and that’s what it’s all about! :smiley:

Thanks Benny for the opportunity to do such a project! :rock:

Happy New Year everyone! :drinkers:


Before stripping it… the mask had a nice H1 look going on.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: I think that’s your best work yet dude! Almost identical to the #2. Congrats Benny! :rock:

Damn dude!! Love the neck on that thing

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Damn!!Benny…I bet this was worth the wait :wink:

Outstanding! :mrgreen: I definitely need to send you my SLE for a make-over :smiling_imp: Congrats Benny! What a way to start the New Year :stuck_out_tongue:

Hell yeah! That left (real) eyecut looks bang on to the #2 and that third from bottom shot rocks, congrats Benny and nice work James. :drinkers:

WOW! That Looks great. This is my fav mask! :slight_smile:

Tell the truth thats Matt’s KH :laughing:

This is One Hell of a Way to start the New Year! INCREDIBLE Job!! Conrats Benny! :rock: :rock: :rock: Boob

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

To say I’m happy with this one is a HUGE understatement!!! When I said “make it look like Matt’s #2” I didn’t know you could make it a dead ringer!! :open_mouth:

This is incredible and by FAR the biggest score I’ve had in some while. Definitely a keeper! It was my dream to have the “trilogy” of KH’s…the KH/DW, the KH/SLE and the KH/DW/AS. With this piece finished in this way that dream is now complete!!

Can’t thank you enough Ken, Dick and Andrew for this excellent sculpt and James for doing his unreal magic on this thing. I am literally blown away!!! Thanks so much guys for all the kind comments.

Happy New Year Everyone!

That is a fantastic paintup and perfect replication. Impeccable Job JC and congrats on the mask Benny!

Now that is something extremely Special homie!! Wow what a great job it looks identical to
The #2!!! And huge congrats to brother Benny!! The image will always be in the KH Family to
Me, it’s proven it’s potential and conquers to be one of the bests when done just right. I can’t wait for mine lol

That’s crazy good! Congrats Benny and another masterpiece from Georgia!

I’m in complete shock. This one turned out exactly identical to the #2. Very, very nice job, James. Benny is an extremely lucky man to have this one coming to him. Truth be told, I highly regret selling mine.

Amazing work James! This is definitely some of your best work yet. :drinkers: :drinkers: -Tom

Fantastic job on this one, James! You wear that mask so well, and I’d have to say pic #24 is about as Fresh as you can get! This definitely looks like the awesome #2 copy to me… You really matched the paint and weathering extremely well, IMO. Keep it up, man!

Huge congrats to Benny on this Monstrous score!!! …ANDY

:open_mouth: You’re a master, James. Plain and simple.

Congrats on this amazing piece, Benny! It really is something special.


Great work James! And way to go Benny! When you get tired of it send it my way. :wink:

Yeah all jokes aside this is a great take on the #2 James,i love how you got the flesh looking bang on and there is something about the lip shading that really makes them pop like the lips on the Hero did in certain caps,Congrats Benny-bro now you can sell me that JC/75K H2 seen as your getting this one :wink: :laughing:

Awesome in every way James!!! :open_mouth: The perfect H2 :smiling_imp: Congrats Benny!!!