Finally got my hands on a KH which arrived in the post today and will complete my collection…
I absolutely love this mask, and thanks go to Jon for letting her go!
Will get some better shots later!
Finally got my hands on a KH which arrived in the post today and will complete my collection…
I absolutely love this mask, and thanks go to Jon for letting her go!
Will get some better shots later!
Holy crap man. You lucky S.O.B. - that things is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Congrats on a super score!
Holy hell man that’s the show stopper right there.
DAMN!!You,my friend deserve a HUGE congratulations!!You should be celebrating what is undoubtedly a score of a lifetime.That is great man,CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Awesome score!!!
No need to keep collecting now, game over
that is indeed the king!!
Scott, BIGGGG congrats on that major score bro!
Congrats Scott, that is a beast of a mask. You know how I feel about the SLE’s and I am sure you understand why now.
wow , this has to be a record…he just joined THIS month and already has kh…congrats my friend!!
What he said…
Great score man.
congrats scott…Thats one super score right there…
dude…when it comes to collecting…you don’t fook around.
My god Scott if u said ur wife was going to be pissed about buying my NM78, I guess we’ll be seeing ur name in the Obituaries soon since Jon was asking 3 times the amount of my NM78
Great score my friend. You certainly are on a role collecting the best of the respective best
Wow, you got my favorite copy! Love it man and congrats!
That’s just out of this world…Congrats on the killer score!!
Wow you’re on a roll.
Outstanding score!!! I’d say you’re done collecting H1 and H2 masks now as you now have both the king masks!