Benny & I got these two incredible masks together before he traded his KH/DW #4 to Colin. We could not pass up the opportunity to get pics of these two beauties together.
both kh are great…LOVE THE KH /DW…
Great shots!!!
My goodness…I can spend an afternoon looking at those pics.Lovely,lovely,lovely
Double the awesomeness!!! Great shots!
Beautiful masks!
It’s so good I just don’t know what to say…
Now THAT’S what I’m talkin bout!
x2 absolute beautys right there!
Gotta love a ‘KH’ Party!
Beautiful shots! I’ll never get tired of seeing these
I’m glad you dig the pics everyone, I know I sure do. All credit for the pics needs to go to Benny, he took these.
those pics are Amazing ! I’m speechless !
Thanks for sharing !
Glad everyone is enjoying them! This would NOT have happened without Donnie.
He was good enough to let me borrow his beautiful SLE in order to help me decide if I could live with myself if I got rid of my KH#4!!! While I had both of these beauties in hand Donnie had the good foresight in realizing we had one helluva opportunity here…photograph these bad boys together!! So, it was Donnie’s generosity pairred with keen foresight that made this happen. The only thing I contributed was my generic photography skills! I’m the “great value” brand of photographers!
Colin and I had talked about trading masks for awhile but it was a tough decision for me. Like the KH/DW’s, pics of these SLE’s DO NOT do them justice. Anyone who has owned a DB2, KH or SLE knows exactly what I mean. You simply must see them in person to get the true feel.
Once I had the SLE in hand I made a decision I was surprised of…I prefer the SLE!! NEVER thought I’d say that! This is (imo) Ken’s Magnum Opus.
BOTH however are incredible masks and I hope to own another KH to go alongside this SLE someday.
Hope everyone enjoys these and thanks again Donnie for having the good sense to have me take these while it was a possibility!!
These 2 appear to have an, on again off again, complicated relationship.
There ought to be a law against that much KH
in one place. Magnificent!
Theres the 2 blood brothers!
to have those two masks is a lucky mofo!!!
they look frickin awsome man!!!
WOW Two stunning masks together in pne photo. Thanks for posting these Donnie and Michael!
Wow very nice Donnie, I like em both
Awesome Shots! Lookin’ Sweet!
these are amazing, like the kings of myers masks!