Kirk Conversion Tips?

I’m planning on ordering a ToTs Kirk when it comes back in stock and converting it into a standard H1. Any tips on converting it and ideas as to what I should use? (Also I’m a bit too poor for a dremel so any idea as to what I can cut the eyes with?)

Sharp cuticle scissors a dremel and good reference material.Dont cut your eyecuts until your 100% happy with them.

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the kirks have eyecute guideline sculpted into the eyelids. trace it with a pencil and carefully cut with scissors.

Here’s my tips from my trial and error

  1. Take time and be cautious when doing the eyecuts, these are very important for the overall look of the mask.
  2. If redoing the hair I used e6000 glue which worked better for me than rubber cement, so I’d use that
  3. Use proper paint. I mixed watered down acrylic and e6000 for my masks and it seems to hold up pretty well. Also use thin coats with a sponge brush or a piece of foam, normal brushes will leave brush strokes.
  4. Go for subtlety in the weathering, if you do weathering at all. Also use lots of reference pics for when you do weathering to see where the dirt is on the real mask, like on the mouth and the nose.

Take your time and have fun! Hope this helps.

Thanks for the tips, everyone! After I order Red Cap spruce green coveralls and weather them (which will be the first time I weather coveralls), I’ll order a Kirk and see what I can do. :wink: (it will take some time to get the money and idk when the Kirk will be back in stock)

Use a sharpie/marker to draw the eyes. Get them perfect, then slowly cut the eyes out using cuticle scissors.

h1 eyes kirk..jpg
Heres a pic another member made for reference. The hero mask overlayed onto the tots kirk
I used it to draw on my eyecuts on my copy.