Kirk hair question?

I swore the hair used was crepe wool, so that’s what I ordered, now I’m reading it was yak belly hair, I’m confused which was it?

It’s not confirmed what it was. Tons of answers have been thrown around. Tharps said crepe, Josh said Yak belly. It’s likely they used different fibers through the years of production. Until the original is lab tested or something we won’t know 100% for sure.

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Bill Malone said Crape Wool. He designed it and was there the whole time of the production run.

Ahh, malone! Thought it was the tharps, my bad.
Isn’t modern crepe off from that original hair though? I feel like Ive read that. Probably something comes closer now but I don’t know off hand

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It was not yak That sorry story is BS. I believe it was untreated crepe. Maybe treated Crepe that has just aged with time.

Just my opinion…

i had crepe wool on my phase2 from “SI” it looks good but really hard to style wasnt able to get the little curls … also losing much of fibre if you touch it!

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Thank you yous guys! That makes me feel way better about ordering it now, I want to hair my kirks with it, so hopefully they turn out looking good

I’ve heard it was a mix of crepe and mohair.

Thank you for the info ColdSnakeVenom

I’m convinced it’s something close to the crepe we can buy these days. Only way to get that kind of wiry fuzz you see in the silhouette photos is with long thick-ish hairs. Crepe is definitely from a long staple. I’d expect you’d also want durable ‘carpet like’ threads if the mask is being manufactured for sale to kids.
So I’d pick on sheep wool breeds that have long, large diameter hairs.
Ideally it’d need a bit of a reflective sheen when clean and buffed (or whatever it is they did) to get that early Kirk look. Some wools seem to be more iridescent than others.

Thank you for that info Flamm’n Tramer, I picked up 6ft of it from Ben nye in a color called ash blonde, it looks close to the hair on the Kirks, I’ll post photos of it when it comes in

The hair on an old 70’s Chewbacca I had was much closer to mohair than crepe. Unless crepe back than was finer. The modern crepe is closer to camel hair.

^ I’ve heard stuff similar to that.
I personally think the question should shift from “what was it” to “what can you buy today that comes the closest”.

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I believe that’s the mixture JC uses on some of his masks, no? He posted a photo and said so a while ago and it’s absolutely beautiful. Digging now!

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I think a blend of crepe and mohair works best. It has that slight shine but also has that sturdy feel of crepe.

Yeah, I’d agree with that. It seems as though the hair on the Kirk was finer than most of the hair used today which is why it has that look when it’s messed up where light from behind shines through just enough to where you can see the teased hair strands. The hair on Nag masks seems to do that. Not sure what hair he uses.

It’s mohair.

Oh okay, it looks FANTASTIC!!

Found it!!

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