Well i have an actual knife i want to use for the big night this year but the problem is, is that its sharp. Is there anyway I can use it or will I get in trouble? Is there a way i can make a fake knife that will look realistic?
You can make one out of aluminum. I made mine of aluminum and it looks great. I just made it so I don’t know what’s gonna happen on Halloween. Watch costumebot’s tutorial on making the michael myers knife on youtube. Just type in “Michael Myers Costume- The knife” it should come up.
i dont know if youll get in trouble because its real but to make it dull you can file it down on concrete. i did that to my old knife before i got a fake one from jc.
Dude, I would recommend NOT using a real knife if your going out. I had a knife confiscated from the cops one year, and terrified I’d get arrested. Just buy a cheap one somewhere, or if your going to an indoor party, use a real one, but not anywhere public. Use common sense!
JC’s knives are great, but they can so easily be mistaken for the real thing.
I’m still gonna use mine though!
if your going to use a real knife file it down with sand paper and bloody it up so the cops don’t think its real. thats what i did last year and it
worked fine were i live.
I have some stage blood and was thinking of putting blood on my JC Knife, but I dont want to dirty it up