-Halloween 6-
This was my first try at overhauling one of these tots masks. Complete new hair and paint. I have to admit, been very tempted to get one and do it up for myself.
Great weekend to all!
Yeah, now it’s guaranteed that when I get an H6, I’m sending it right your way cause hot damn that’s a good looking H6
Absolutely stunning work, Ben!
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My gosh, I think you nailed it!
You nailed the hero colors, the subtle blues and yellows just like in the movie killer job
This looks amazing! Well I know who I will be sending my H6 to now.
Good stuff!
Looks badass.
Very impressed with everything I’ve seen you guys do on ig !!!
Thanks a bunch guys!!! Truly Appreciated!
FPS rule!! There whole team kicks ass
great job man!
Wow! Look very great! Great job.
Hey sorry to reply on such an old post but can I ask about your process for this? Or at least what you did for the rehairing? I am about to rehaul my own TOTS H6 and I want as much advice as possible because this is the BEST rehaul I have ever seen!!! Any painting and hair advice please!!
Same here! Incredible paint and hair work! I’ve been thinking of sculpting another mask and I think it’s going to be an H6. Only problem is I was wondering what Brad Hardin or yourself did for the paint. Was it a black base and dry brush white with some burnt Sienna here and there?
Excellent work!
Doesn’t look THAT much different than the original paint job. Looks great though.