Sup guys,

Anyhow lol you guys are probably tired of all these psycho question I’ve been asking…but I can’t help it
I fell for the psycho real hard and hardly know about it…so who better to ask but you guys!

anyways I was browsing around the net when I ran into these pix in photobucket…
when I saw them my jaw dropped open :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
and said omfg thats the best f%@#$& psycho ive ever seen…
and now I want it! to me this mask will do it for me forever :smiley:

Do any of you guys know which psycho this one is?
please let me know so I can start putting money in a piggy bank everytime i get paid lol…


Definetly one of the best phsycos ive seen next to crofaders!

Myersstat owns that coppy , gavin

WOW :open_mouth:

Justin is the man.

WOW killer psycho. One of the best ive ever seen.

Oh hell yeah it is!!! I emailed Justing as soon as I saw these pix…

I hear you man. The Psycho is my favorite Myers mask of all time. Back in 2005 I found one of eBay and thats how I got into collecting masks. I never had the money to get a nice copy before, and I finally got my first copy in November. I’m proud to say it’s the one mask that will never leave my collection :sunglasses:

That is an awesome copy! :smiley:
Mask is owned by Randy and pics are by Deano from when he owned it.

yeh they are my pics. it is a superb psycho. i sold it to myerstat and i regret it now!

more pics

Love at first fright.

Really wow!!!
well lucky for him lol wonder if I can convince him to sell it to me :laughing: j/k

so what year is it looks like an 06 or 07 with heavy weathering…

I’ll probably order something like this from justin
please get at me the info thanx bro!

its an 05 copy. it is a great copy but ive seen quite a few around that can match up to it

I actually pm the guy who you sold it to
to see if he would sell it to me but he doesnt want to part from it :frowning:
he said he paid $400 but if he were to sell it he’d maybe sell it for $650 or more
I was like wtf :open_mouth:

So instead I emailed Justin with 2 attachments of your pix (hope you dont mind)
and asked him if he could do me a phycho with the same look as the one in the pictures
and he said “YES” :mrgreen:
and the awesome part was that he only charged me $275 :open_mouth:
how freaken crazy is that? but that price is just for a limited time he says that they will go back to $350

Im glad I emailed him soon !

Doesn’t sound strange to me.
That’s how precious it is to the owner. :wink:
When I first purchased my copy, at first the owner wouldn’t let it go unless I payed 1200.
I was lucky I got mine for lower than that since I proved him that I was worthy.
No Psycho looks alike.

I’ve always wondered how many psycho’s are out there now. Maybe reaching the thousand mark?
I remember a few years ago(during the craze when a few people were offering up to 3 grand for one) it was almost impossible to find a nice copy, nowadays the market is just flooded with them. Easily Justin’s best seller to date.

A good copy rules :drinkers: