Madman78 from blackjak99

I got this mask months and months ago from Andrew for the insane low price of $40 shipped. I just got around to messing with the hair and taking a few pics. Whenever I get my coverall situation taken care of I’ll post some decent worn shots, till then these’ll have to do :smiley:

Sweeeet! Don’t see many of these around anymore! Awesome pick up!

Thanks! At $40, how could I say no? It fits like a glove too :myers:

cool pics!

Thanks. I wonder why there aren’t more people with one of these. Sure, it’s not the most accurate sculpt, but to me it looks very much like Shatner and can pull off a lot of different looks in the right environment.

I got a blank from him for around that price so you got an awesome deal…still need to get mine converted.