Hello there!
Being a happy owner of a Scream 1 styled robe, I wanted a Fantastic Faces mask to pair with it, but like many, I can’t really afford it and even if I could, this is for cosplay, I wanna wear a mask at cons without having to worry about staining a 700 dollars mask with sweat, what to do?
People in the ghostface community have been asking for gen 1 and gen 2 replicas for years, Funworld has done nothing.
Since prices for them are higher than ever, I decided to step up and do something people should’ve done a long time ago. Make my own.
First of all, with the help of a fellow collector I’ve got my hands on a 3D scan of an authentic gen 1.
It’s quite easy to make 3d scans nowadays, all you need is a phone with a decent camera and a 3d scanning app (We used KIRI engine).
What you see here is the model after 2 days of polishing it up, 3d Scans can have some rough spots so I had to iron out the kinks and of course make it hollow so when printed it would be wearable.
Sent this off to a friend with a 3d printer, and the work on the actual thing started
One week later, I got the pieces! Course, the first thing I did was gluing the two pieces together using superglue!
After that, sanding, sanding and then sanding. Did I mention sanding?
Went from an 80 grit to a 220 and then 600
After this, I applied some wood filler in the area where I glued the two pieces together, to fill the seam
Now, this part was really frustrating, because I should’ve used a stronger type of filler or putty.
I lost a day sanding it a bit, putting some primer, noticing that the seam was still slightly visible, putting more filler, sanding again, priming again.
This is right after putting a bit more filler, and before doing the last sanding pass with 600 and 1000 grits
After 3 coats of primer, this was the result, seam is gone, barely noticeable under certain lighting conditions.
Next day I started painting.
I used grey primer, so it was already pretty light, I could’ve saved some time by buying white primer but I decided to work with what I had in the house.
4 coats of liquitex titanium white acrylic and the mask was pretty white!
Used a citadel abaddon black for the eyeliner, mouth and nose. In this photo they’re quite small because i was carefully doing the lines to make 'em seem as perfect as possible.
After I was satisfied, I left the mask to dry, and then varnished it using a vallejo matte varnish, 3 coats.
Waited 2 days just to make sure and then gave the mask a good wash with soap to remove the excess dust.
In the meantime, I removed the shroud out of an aliexpress bootleg mask and made a pattern, and started working on my version
I made mine slightly larger accounting for the fact that the mask is plastic and not flexible, and also gave it some extra long tassels to make it easy to wrap them on the back of my head.
Now for the make or break part: gluing the shroud to the mask.
Ghostface shrouds are sewn onto the mask, but since this one is thick plastic, I had to glue it using a Bostik transparent superglue made specifically for fabric.
It was kinda stressful since I had to be careful aligning the shroud without making a mess with the glue.
Waited a few hours and…
Perfect result! I was really happy and even made a fake looking tag for the sake of the photo.
Overall, I’m very proud since this is the first time that i’ve worked on a full project like this!
Here’s some photos with my robe
What do you think?
Now i’ll bring this to a comic convention at the end of this week, so i’ll have some more photos to share by then!