Malcom McDowell's Screen Used Personal RZ Halloween Mask!

Check out what popped up! Malcom McDowell’s personal RZ Halloween 2007 mask. Now owned by Dimue!!

Thats great! Actually I was looking to have this version done. Maybe by the “prop shop” for $200.00. Always liked the RZ H1 masks!

I’m hoping he makes casts.

Man, that guy gets all the screen used stuff! I wanna know what he does for a living. :laughing:

This is wicked cool! The eyes seemed to have drooped a bit since 2007, but that honestly seems to be expected.

Makes other people envious, that’s what! :laughing: I’d die to see his collection in person. It must be so wild.

They definitely are drooping a bit, but overall I’d say its great condition for 12 years. Especially given that most screen used masks seem to be a pile of hot garbage after a very short period of time. Maybe he’ll offer castings… :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Could you fill me in on some things he owns? I love his role in A Clockwork Orange but I believe the screen used stuff for that movie is in a museum.

I am not sure how many of you remember but if he did offer casting personally I wouldn’t buy one, he recasted a screen used copy of a mask from “The Collector” once and I remember a good few folks having problems with him who purchased them.

Yeah, I recall that. I owned one at one point. Luckily our transaction was flawless, but I do know a few people got burnt :confused:

Mask eyes droop after only 13 years?

Not uncommon, especially for a mask on a stand with improper stuffing. Even more common if Tyler actually wore the mask for periods of time. Masks get hot, and the 07 masks were skin tight on him.

No worries. This only happens with high use masks. If your mask does not get sweat in it etc. And is kept out of direct light, and is properly stuffed. Then only rarely will this kind of thing happen. Keep in a cool dry atmosphere and you will be good.

Fantastic Mask, still great condition I think as I remember seeing Tyler’s Mask years ago with even more round eyes already:-( !!! I think his copy was used the most so it was most valuable yet worst condition here soon ???

Just found a few more pics of the Malcolm McDowell Mask and think it’s very good condition indeed for it’s age and being used here !?

Beautiful! Where’d you grab those? That’s the photo (in the corner) that Dirk uploaded to your props, but I don’t know if they are the same mask. There are a few features that don’t match but it’s hard to tell at the moment.

Edit: there are some similarities but also a few differences. The proper right eye looks very close, but it’s hard to tell since you can quite compare the flashing on the eyes.

But also some of the neck cuts don’t match exactly

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Jeah hard to tell since wearing a mask changes the look a lot plus light and shadows and sure camera angle and such !!! Here one more he posted in a FB group I found !!! Looks amazing I think :thinking:

It looks fantastic!! I can’t believe he got it, absolutely brilliant. Do you know his name on Facebook?

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Yeah looks fantastic indeed given age and use here !!! So jealous here :slight_smile: !!! He posted a few more in this closed group but found these here - that’s it :frowning: