Maniac #1 Prototype (costume shots as requested)

Hi guys,

Please excuse the amateur shots, these were the best of a bad bunch! Hope you like the mask anyway!

Man that maniac is incredible …great shots bro…


awesome shots man, thanks for sharing

Great mask, that is a fantastic Maniac. Thanks for the pics.

heyy were did u get dat mask frm??

thats awsome and those costume shots are great, there better than what i could do anyways

Looks great!!

Good stuff man! I love me some Maniac shots. :rock:


My basement is that clean as well! :laughing:
Seriously, cool shots man, I’m not a huge maniac fan but thats one of the best out there for sure. :smiling_imp:
Great costume action shots as well… :sunglasses:

:open_mouth: AWESOME!

That thing is boss! I love the lighter mohair Justin used on these.

Now that is how all maniacs should look! Love it!

Awesome pics, thanks for sharing.

those are great shots man! congrats on having one of the best maniacs out there!

And I love the mask!! I haven’t been on here in a while so are they starting to make the Maniacs again and you got the first one?

The Maniac is a mask for tough guys :wink:
top notch copy indeed.

kick ass mask bud! congrats on getting the proto :drinkers:

Justin never stopped making the Maniac, its been one long continous run and this man has the proto.

Thanks for all your great comments everyone, its really appreciated. I feel very lucky and privileged to own this small piece of myers mask history, and its a pleasure to share him with you!

Just Awesome!
thanks for sharing mate!
It’s a beauty and deffinatly one of the best copys!

One Badass Maniac!!