Maniac Mask Questions

I am in the proces of looking for a Nightowl Maniac Mask, as I love the overall look. Is this a good choice for a first mask- and does Justin still make these or would it be easier to obtain one from the classifieds? I see them pop up on eBay from time to time, but many look like recasts- which I don’t want.

I see a lot of people have this mask- as it displays well and takes good pics. Any info on getting one from Justin or elsewhere would be appreciated, and does anyone recommend this mask Thanks PHIL

Just email Justin at and hell do ya right.
Unless you see a used one with a certain finish you like.
Otherwise nothing like having a fresh one made for you.
Tell him Dave from NY sent ya (or large marge,whatever sounds better!)

You can’t beat the look of a mean Maniac :smiling_imp:
Contact Justin and he’ll hook you up :wink:
One of my Top5 favourite myers masks, I love my copy and could never part with it cuz it’s so cool.

One of my all-time favorite masks. The Maniac is wicked! :smiling_imp:

:laughing: :stuck_out_tongue:

The Maniac is just one of those classics that will always be relevant regardless of the next big thing. Fantastic mask that has a very unique look all of its own. I can easily recommend picking up one of these bad boys!

HAHAHAHA!!! :laughing: :laughing:


any Myers mask by Justin is a keeper :wink:

and yes, dont buy one from ebay if it’s the auction that just shows the 1 or 2 pics. The one in the pic isnt what you’ll get.

Evilution is also one you may want. It’s the Myers that Justin made before Maniac.

I have gotten lots of masks from Jman and he did them JUST how I wanted it

just email him and let him know how you want it done
he will do you right for shure

and awesome choice for a first mask

You can’t go wrong with a MANIAC!!
But I would it buy directly from Justin and not second hand.
Yes, it’s more expensive & takes time but you’ll get it with that look you want it.

Maniac is a wonderful first mask… its a wonderful mask to add to ANYONES collection no matter what mask you have!
You are correct… the Maniac takes WONDERFUL pictures… especially full costume pix! Definitely do not purchase it on EBay… cause you are correct, a lot of Maniac’s sold on EBay tend to be re-cast 9 out of 10 times!
Well I hope this helped… Good luck! :rock:

Thanks eveyone for all of the helpful information- and for confirming the notion that the Maniac is indeed a good investment. I have heard nothing but good about it and Justin- and that is enough proof for me right there. Thanks PHIL