I know people keep suggesting that we create a post listing some of the incredibly talented artists that are a part of our community, and who specialize in painting and hairing masks. So I thought I’d get the ball rolling on this by starting an initial list. Obviously, there are many, many people who should be a part of the list. Please comment list by either adding new names, or filling in the blanks with information such as real name, last name, screen name, etc., and I will periodically update this initial post. Tell us what you know! Also, artists, if you want your contact information, put it down and I’ll add that too. But I’ll leave that up to each artist.
James Carter (JC)
Freddy Loper
Jimmy Falco
Heath Johnson
Rick Ramby
Rowland Kelly
Rob Schoonmaker
Ben F. (Father Phantom Studios)
Rodney Parm
Bill Blake (Ibnzbass4)
Brandon Tobatto
Alex (A1291)
Matt Reed (Horror House Productions)
Simon Brandolino (Simon B)
Reme Alexander Zaporozan (Remzap86 on IG)
EJ Recourt (db9d9)
ryan treuhaft, facebook
Arron Tyler
Michael Lubatti
Curtis Cooper
Simon Edwards