Saw this on the Vintage Don Post FB page operated by Josh W. It’s from a former Don Post employee… John Naulin…some helpful basic mask care from someone who’s been around awhile.
“Most of you already know this, but for those who don’t, I’d like to talk a little bit about the care of your masks.
Most of your DPS masks are made of slip-cast latex, a process that was kind of co-discovered by Don Post Sr. and a man named Ellis Burman way back in the late 1930’s.
Latex is rubber, from a rubber tree and is therefore a Protein. If left exposed to air it will harden, crack, and basically fall apart. If left folded or creased the molecules will travel and separate and it will come apart.
The easiest way to protect your masks is to place a small plastic trash bag over a Styrofoam wig head, then place the mask onto the wig head and cover it with a clear plastic trash bag.
I know this makes them less exciting to display but it will protect them from hydrocarbons in the wig head and exposure to air and ultraviolet light from the outside.
Never display them under fluorescent light and do not smoke in a room where you store your masks.
Remember, you’re never going to buy another new Don Post Mask, so protect the ones you have!”