Does anybody here use a spray sock under your mask. I know that oils, and sweat are bad for masks, and I was just wondering if anybody here uses something like this to prevent damage and sweat from ruining your mask…if so, how well does it work?? I just ordered a couple of spray socks
Are spray socks anything like a balaclava? I was thinking about getting one of those lightweight spandex-like balaclava’s to stop sweat from getting on my masks. Never heard of a spray sock though.
shouldnt have to worry about something like that, just wipe your mask down and powder it after wearing it for extended periods of time such as halloween night.
I used to use something like a black do-rag. It helped with my long hair. Could pull it over my eyes too. But it seems to me anything you put over head under a mask just increases you sweating. Just a thought.
Just make sure you get the ones made by 3m.they are thicker and last longer
From my understanding, cotton is the best material. Supposedly, it’s supposed to keep you quite cool. Not sure, though. I’m gonna try it for Halloween, and see how it works. It can’t hurt, ya know. Thanks for the input guys and gals!!
I actually wear one of those cheap $3 Reaper masks that I bought at Wal-Mart. It’s great cause it hides your eyes perfectly and since my mask is a little big on my head it keeps if from slopping around when I move. Certainly one of the better investments to make in my opinion.