Awesome brudda!! Thats so cool that you can call Dick Warlock a friend, congrats man! Ive always heard hes a really down to earth, nice guy. Thanks for sharing the info, and i would be very interested to have a second part to this post like you mentioned. Very cool story!! Cheers
Right on Benny, awesome to hear you got to meet him and on top of that have lunch with him and get to talk for that long!
I got to meet Dick at the 30th Anniversary Convention and he was without a doubt the most fan friendly celebs there from the Halloween franchise…he was great! Hopefully there’s another con in a few years where alot of us from can meet up again and hang out and say hi to Mr. Warlock once more
That is soo cool that you got to meet him in person, I too wish someday to meet dick as iv’e heard from other people that have met him that is is very down to earth, here on this board. I would also like to hear part two of your conversation with Dick… it’s also awsome that he signed both your KH and Warlock. it would be cool of you to post pic’s of both masks inside and out, either in this thread or another… Dean
Thanks very much guys for sharing my excitement in meeting Mr. Warlock.
Many of you comment how you have always heard how classy and nice he is…it is ALL TRUE! The guy is very appreciative of his fans and just a fun and enjoyable person to speak with, he would be great to talk to even if he wasn’t HIM!!
One thing I wrote in my initial post needs to be clarified by the way. I said that Dick mentioned the hair on the KH was “too red”. This was an error on my part due from a bit of excitement and being a little tired. The way he said it was more like the hair on the Warlock was wrong because it was too dark and the hair on the KH was wrong because of it’s slight red tint. A shade of camel somewhere in between the two hairs would have been about right is what he told me. Just wanted to point that out because saying “too red” makes it sound like he was saying the hero had a red tint, this is NOT what he implied at all.
Another point I want to make is he made it clear the KH was close to the hero! He REALLY likes this mask, the hair tint was ALL he pointed out wrong with it (not true with the Warlock, MANY things were off) and he mentioned the fact he owns the first and last copies of the original KH!
Someone in this thread wanted to see pics of the outside of the KH and the Warlock I had signed. I posted the inside pics so here’s a couple of the outside of the masks: