New pic from the set of Halloween.
I’m seriously considering going down there LOL
^^. Charleston is hands down one of the most beautiful and historic cities I have ever been to. I want to take a week and go down to lurk around set lmao.
Lots of blue light. Cop car out of frame?
Speaking of blue light, I REALLY hope they bring it back. I love it, it just adds so much atmosphere to the movie.
This is an equivalent to a Bigfoot spotting. Very pumped.
Me too!! Lol!
Someone should get down there and follow Michael around incognito until he’s at rest and then snap away!!! We need to see this mask now!
I’m probably 4 hours away. I thought about it but been busy as all hell this month.
Yeah, that would probably end up being a full day…maybe two day commitment for someone as close as you. Anyone live closer?
Better pic.
Whos playing the Shape in this one?

Whos playing the Shape in this one?
Nick Castle!!!
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Stoked for this!!

Speaking of blue light, I REALLY hope they bring it back. I love it, it just adds so much atmosphere to the movie.
Totally agree. Something I really like about Halloween 78 is the heavy usage of the blue filter for the night scenes. It really accentuates the coldness and fear of this special scary night. They dropped it in H2, which I thought sucked, but brought it back for H4, H6, and the first remake. It’s a really good effect that I think really works well on night scenes to add a sense of fear to the night, something humans already fear to begin with.
Halloween is one of those movies where the little things really bring it to life. The dead leaves on an otherwise perfectly green lawn makes you never question the authenticity of the autumn season. The sound of Michael’s breathing through the mask that seems to permeate nearly every scene of the movie. The creepy gliding way Michael walks that seems so otherworldly. The way that Michael appears human, but clearly is something more. Halloween is the perfect way for to remind us why we fear this time of year, and why we have festivals that harken back to a time when we truly believed the light of a jack o’lantern could ward away evil spirits.
I wonder if this is Nick Castle or stuntman James Jude Courtney??
Speaking of blue light, I REALLY hope they bring it back. I love it, it just adds so much atmosphere to the movie.
Totally agree. Something I really like about Halloween 78 is the heavy usage of the blue filter for the night scenes. It really accentuates the coldness and fear of this special scary night. They dropped it in H2, which I thought sucked, but brought it back for H4, H6, and the first remake. It’s a really good effect that I think really works well on night scenes to add a sense of fear to the night, something humans already fear to begin with.
Halloween is one of those movies where the little things really bring it to life. The dead leaves on an otherwise perfectly green lawn makes you never question the authenticity of the autumn season. The sound of Michael’s breathing through the mask that seems to permeate nearly every scene of the movie. The creepy gliding way Michael walks that seems so otherworldly. The way that Michael appears human, but clearly is something more. Halloween is the perfect way for to remind us why we fear this time of year, and why we have festivals that harken back to a time when we truly believed the light of a jack o’lantern could ward away evil spirits.
Very well put. And you can’t forget that incredible moment where Michaels mask slowly appears in the darkness behind Laurie.

Davy Krueger:SamLoomis78:
Speaking of blue light, I REALLY hope they bring it back. I love it, it just adds so much atmosphere to the movie.
Totally agree. Something I really like about Halloween 78 is the heavy usage of the blue filter for the night scenes. It really accentuates the coldness and fear of this special scary night. They dropped it in H2, which I thought sucked, but brought it back for H4, H6, and the first remake. It’s a really good effect that I think really works well on night scenes to add a sense of fear to the night, something humans already fear to begin with.
Halloween is one of those movies where the little things really bring it to life. The dead leaves on an otherwise perfectly green lawn makes you never question the authenticity of the autumn season. The sound of Michael’s breathing through the mask that seems to permeate nearly every scene of the movie. The creepy gliding way Michael walks that seems so otherworldly. The way that Michael appears human, but clearly is something more. Halloween is the perfect way for to remind us why we fear this time of year, and why we have festivals that harken back to a time when we truly believed the light of a jack o’lantern could ward away evil spirits.
Very well put. And you can’t forget that incredible moment where Michaels mask slowly appears in the darkness behind Laurie.
Chills. Every. Time.

Davy Krueger:SamLoomis78:
Speaking of blue light, I REALLY hope they bring it back. I love it, it just adds so much atmosphere to the movie.
Totally agree. Something I really like about Halloween 78 is the heavy usage of the blue filter for the night scenes. It really accentuates the coldness and fear of this special scary night. They dropped it in H2, which I thought sucked, but brought it back for H4, H6, and the first remake. It’s a really good effect that I think really works well on night scenes to add a sense of fear to the night, something humans already fear to begin with.
Halloween is one of those movies where the little things really bring it to life. The dead leaves on an otherwise perfectly green lawn makes you never question the authenticity of the autumn season. The sound of Michael’s breathing through the mask that seems to permeate nearly every scene of the movie. The creepy gliding way Michael walks that seems so otherworldly. The way that Michael appears human, but clearly is something more. Halloween is the perfect way for to remind us why we fear this time of year, and why we have festivals that harken back to a time when we truly believed the light of a jack o’lantern could ward away evil spirits.
Very well put. And you can’t forget that incredible moment where Michaels mask slowly appears in the darkness behind Laurie.
That is still one of the most freaky scenes in horror movie history…
That and when Michael is gone after being shot off a second story balcony and then you hear the breathing…the end.
F-ing good movie making there!
Oh, and Davy…you couldn’t have said that any better! Bravo, brother!