Holy S**t Bro…Great Shots.
Thanks man! I was just brainstorming with a friend of mine. Good chance of even better ones in the future… Michael vs. Jason anyone?
Cool shots!!
Which mask do you have on?
Raining Red Version 2
Looks like a screen cap
Cool pics!
LOVE that sequence of pics!
You just THINK you’re ready for The Shape
That looks right off the screen
It is sir needed a transition pic between getting beaten with the bat to getting up and killing him
hahah this is freakin sick looking!!
wow man you look f*ckin scary in that!
I really believe that Chris has the Warlock of H6 Masks here, I haven’t seen anything remotely close to screen accurate than Chris’ work.
If your in the market for an H6, you know where to go.
You have a great Wilbur build and fill the coveralls nicely.
all ya need is the green blood…
awesome pics bro
you have to love a good H6 mask… my fav next to H1
all ya need is the green blood…
True that