I found these Montgomery Ward coveralls the other day and they seem to have everything right for some pretty accurate h1 coveralls. The color of them bothers me though. Can anyone tell me if these are the correct color, or if they are not is there a color I could dye them?
Looks olivish, if the hero coveralls were indeed a weathered spruce, spruce is a blue-green sort of color, like a less vibrant and bright turquoise. Pretty close though, you could probably get the color exact by adding some blue via dye.
I don’t think there is any definitive proof on what they were for sure. I could be wrong. Olivewood gets tossed around a lot. I think these look very close.
I think I might actually do that, in person they are too close to olive drab. Also I’ve read several different things on here about the hammer loop and tool pockets. Are those accurate?
If they are too light olive colored you can get green rit fabric dye, or darken them with half a bottle of Rit charcoal grey.
If they are 100% cotton any dye will do, they darkgreen fabric dye boxed from the dollar store work. Ive got a thread/tutorial on dying cotton coveralls. They started light grey and dyed them dark green. Heres the before and after