More unseen pics at...Some H1 and H2

Some of you may have seen these already. added some more pics to their latest news section along with those cool H4 pics they added awhile back.
I like how the’re extremely clear :sunglasses:

First time I saw a bigger pic of the first one.
You can see that TLW is wearing the coveralls. I always wondered if he did that scene since the mask stretch looks nothing like Castle in that scene.

Cool beans! (right click n save).
Thanks brudda k! :wink:

Haha, this one is great… I love it.

Thanks for sharing bud. :smiley:

MAN!!Badassness right there.The shot of TLW in the coveralls behind Jamie Lee is priceless :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

Great pictures, thanx for sharing.

I’ve never seen these 2 before, awesome pics!!, thanks so much for sharing,

very interesting thanks for sharing. :slight_smile:

Very cool to see!!! Thanks for posting. :rock:

I LOVE that shot in the hospital with the nurse.
Thanks for sharing bro…killer shots :smiley:

Right click Save! :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing. Cool stuff. :rock:

Awesome!!! :smiley:

Great pix… :drinkers: :drinkers:

I love the last pic! :stuck_out_tongue:

cool pics, thanks for sharing!!

Very very cool thanks for sharing!

I think im most impressed with Mr. Cundy’s lighting in that ghost shot… Thats a beautifully lit shot & angle.

Sweet pics Kaizu!! Thanks for posting!

Cool pic’s you found K man, thanks for sharing… Dean

Thank you so much for sharing those beautiful pics !
I’ve never seen those !