Most Accurate 1978 mask

Hey everyone!

Many years and many Halloweens we had and many 78 masks were made, so my question is:

What’s the most Accurate and versatil 1978 mask ever? Or almost Accurate from all angles?


In my opinion, the NAG SC75. The sculpt comes from a 3D scan of Sean Clark’s original 75 Kirk. Can’t really get any closer than that.

NAG also offers other masks depending on what “flavor” you’re looking for.

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My pick would have to he Spookhouse Props 3DK.

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That one does look pretty damn good as well :smiley:

From what I’ve read from others on this topic (there is many) it always comes down to personal preference. My personal favourite is the 98 proto, mine pictured below. The YouTube video link gives a definitive history of the 98 proto if you’re interested. I particularly like the ‘freckle’ which I believe is unique to the Hero / NAG 98 proto. This mask always gives me that H1 vibe. :jack_o_lantern: :hocho:

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Really is no “ONE” perfect mask…
4 different people wore the mask in 78 with different shaped heads …

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Brooh, i saw that mask. Omgsh I think is no cheap at all

That’s true, it’s all about heads size :sweat_smile:

I would say that the h1sm is a very good 1978 mask and is also very versatile. If that isn’t your cup of tea then i would probably recommend The Spookhouse Props 3DK.

Video I just watched today on the topic. Could be helpful.