Most Accurate H40 mask rehaul

Who makes the most accurate H40 mask rehauls?

Remzap86 and seven sins studios

JC or Jimmy Falco

Simon Brandolino and Ryan Treauhaft

James Carter in my opinion

RemZap86, no doubt

Simon Brandolino and Mr Zombies Workshop :rock:

Another vote for Brandolino here, the guys work is phenomenal, I’d love to own one of his pieces.

It’s all a matter of opinion

I like how everyone says who’s best but…no pictures of the artist work.

Jason13 has a point of it being a matter of opinion, but accuracy to the source material is undeniable and there are certainly some that are more accurate than others. The most accurate that I have personally seen are Se7enSins (endorsed by someone on the fx team I believe) and Simon.


Simon Brandolino:

Imo for the Hero its Colton Clegg and Ryan with a rehair from Brad Blitch. Remzap86 is a close third.



I purchased a rehauled mask from Se7en Sins Studios for £197. This will complete my H18 costume.

SevenSins is a beast. :open_mouth:

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To be honest, After comparing multiple shots of the hero, Stunt mask and so on I must say Simon Brandolino, SevenSins, Remzap86, and Horror School Customs do the absolute best. JC is amazing when it comes to H1 and H2 masks but I just don’t think his H40 is on the same level as these guys.

Wow incredible work!!!

I’m just curious, have you seen multiple finishes that James has done on the H40?

I have seen about 4 different masks with his finish. 2 of them had a different type of finish for a specific scene.

Oh ok . I only saw one that James did of the H40…