Most fun I've ever had watching HALLOWEEN

Last night I got layed off from Party City (cue reader “awwww”), my partner got held back from work so I didn’t see him all night and we didn’t go to the party we were going to go to (cue another reader “awwww”), SO…

I went with my friend Erica who was also layed off from Party City (another “awwwww”), we met up with her boyfriend and we went to their friends house. About half the people there were piss assed drunk. lol So I introduced myself to everyone, they had just gotten done watching SILENT HILL (Beautiful movie).

They were getting ready to watch another movie but couldn’t decide. So I went through the dvds and gasped as my eyes fell upon the EXTENDED CUT of HALLOWEEN!!! YAYA!!! So I was like “THIS ONE!!! THIS ONE!!!”

So we put the movie in and watching HALLOWEEN with these people was like watching ROCKY HORROR in the theater! For example, we made fun of EVERY Loomis line, we timed Judith and her boyfriend’s sex, we mimicked Lynda’s "totally"s, we compared death gasps and screams to sex moans, criticized Michael’s “ninja” moves, and went on and on. We were like Shorty in Scary Movie, “RUN BITCH RUN!!!”

So my Halloween wasn’t all THAT bad… Then I went home, got on, put on House of 1000 Corpses, and fell asleep to the sounds of trippy carnage. :slight_smile:

that all sounds pleasantly nice… (awwwww)


im glad you got a good one!

that sucks getting laid off…

sounds like you had fun