Mouth slit

Do people prefer the mouth of a mask to be open or sealed? I was also wondering if independent masks are usually made with a sealed mouth or does it just depend on personal preference?

SLIT! :sunglasses:

I prefer the mouth slit because it’s more accurate and it allows me to breathe easier. Most mask makers don’t slit the mouth or slit it half way :wink:

Ahh, ok, yeah I had never had a mask with a closed mouth before. I kind of want to open it up but I don’t want to mess it up :open_mouth: Any tips on the best way to do this?

i use tiny scissor to slit mine, like cutical scissors

S L I T !!! H1 AUTHENTICITY ALL THE WAY :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

H2 NOT SLIT… I personally don’t want it SLIT so I can overstuff it to achieve the WARLOCK look. And I like the mouth closed looking on H2 masks.

Thanks for the replies everyone, so an NCS Nemesis would be considered what?

H2. My opinion, though. I think it makes a great H1 as well, but I think it was made to look H2.

Theres a few scenes in H2 where the mouth is open though

Ive heard that they Taped the mouth closed in H2, but im not to sure about that.

Yep… I realize there are shots of the mask with the mouth open. I prefer this look and when stuffing the mask to achieve the more full and rounded look it’s best to keep the masks UNSLIT in my opinion. Here is the example of the look I prefer:

both should be slit imo because the h2 is the h1 mask. and btw all of my masks are slit and came slit except for the ul75 h4! :smiley: