Movie-Accurate Pumpkin News

I was just informed by a representative of Fun-kins (, who manufacture realistic, carvable foam pumpkins, that they intend to offer a larger (12-15") and rounder pumpkin that will more closely match the look of the opening credits from H1 and H18. Should debut before Fall 2019, I’m told. I had asked why they didn’t offer an option closer to the shape of the most iconic jack-o-lanterns I know of and was pleasantly surprised to get this response. Great news for Halloween fans and artists alike, so I thought I’d give them a shout out so we can support a company that is supporting the Halloween fan base, even if indirectly. :pumpkin:

I apologize for the duplicate posts, I intended to post this in General Discussion, not Projects & Announcements, but here goes again…

I just ordered two of the 1978 H1 pumps from TOTS. It is 9" high & 28" around…and no carving!!

That is GREAT news!

I do replica carvings of the jack-O’-lanterns from the HALLOWEEN films annually, and for years now have been relying on those 9" medium-size pumpkins from Michaels to recreate the H1 1978 Carpenter opening credits classic. Which is fine, they resemble the shape of the one seen in the film the best out of any others I find out on the market I think but it isn’t close to matching the original size. Needs to be larger. So to get a similarly round pumpkin from Funkins but at a much larger size, sounds perfect for the job. Also since I use Funkins for all the other sequel pumpkins HII, HIII, H5 and H6 based on each one’s unique shape and size, well this will just lend consistency to the whole line now.

Unfortunately, Hobby Lobby was the shop that usually carries some of these particular Funkins I need to carry out this order but for whatever reason last year they didn’t stock them at all instead supplying another brand made of different material and providing much less variety. So I had to do without making the HIII and H6 jack-O’s last Halloween. The other type of Funkins I use to carve out the HII and H5 opening creds pumpkins I get from JO-ANN craft store, so I was good on those still.

I gotta say, that TOTS H1 jack-O’-lantern replica they’re selling looks…kind of crap.

Good thing it’s selling for a pretty forgivable price, but even so any die-hard HALLOWEEN fan can tell that doesn’t match the quality of its on-screen counterpart. Comes off very cheap.

I figured for artists like you this would be very welcome news. Where do you sell your replicas?

Yeah they are cheap for 20 bucks! But I guarantee by Oct they will be selling on ebay for 3 times that maybe more.


My jack-O’-lantern prop replicas are on eBay and Etsy. I don’t wish to post links but do a search and…you’ll find them.

BTW it’s very apropos that each of us in this thread are sporting pumpkin avatars.


We love our punkins man!!