Mr. Myers Mask Score

**This just came in today. I have waited a while, but finally got one from TOTS and am so glad I did. This thing is great. I am amazed that it can do an H1 and an H2 so brilliantly. :open_mouth: Justing and Chris…Bravo on giving the community such a great mask.

On with the pics / right click and open in new tab if you can’t see the whole pic :mrgreen:
Nick :drinkers:**

Sick pics dude! The TOTS is a true treasure that’s for sure. For that price you can’t go wrong.

Dang, Nick… I’ve always liked your pics, but you really stepped it up with these here! Incredible shots, Dude! Nice Nice copy of the ToT’s H-2 mask as well! …ANDY

Killer, man. Looks great.

Congrats on the mask, Nick… and BRAVO on the photography! You have came a long way with your skills, and these pics look fantastic! Good going buddy, and keep up the good work! :rock:


Nice score buddy! You received a good copy. Clean crisp pics!

Killer pics of a great mask my friend. Your pics show how nice these really are. Congrats on the best mass produced Myers ever.

Perfect way to kick off the season! Nice score, Nick! And very cool pics. \m/

Damn straight on the photography I think Paul’s been stopping by with some lessons lol but seriously great stuff man!! Really impressed and looks totally fantastic. Put that mofugah on!!

Thanks guys :smiley: TOTS really did a fantastic job with these babies. Thanks for the kind words on the pictures and James…thanks for the camera pointers :wink:

Good stuff, Nick. I still have to pick one of these up and I am hoping this is the year Spirit carries them. I just want to see them in stores around here…here’s to hoping :drinkers:

That’s a heck of a copy you have there, Nick. And your pics of your new score are amazing! Congratulations, man. :rock:

Wow. You really make the mask shine in your photos. People fail to see what it really looks like due to the sub par photos of the mask and then end up not liking it. I think your photos can make a hater like this mask!!!

I have a BT copy and I love it!!!. It screams The end scene of H2.

Wow :smiley: …thanks for all of the kind words you guys. It truly means a lot and motivates me to keep taking more. The pics would be nothing without the kick ass TOTS mask. He looks great next to my JC twins :pumpkin:

Hey Nick,
congrats on a great mask and its one of the best copies of the tots mask i have seen, the cuts and shape of the pull look :rock: :rock: :rock:

the pics are amazing too, and did you get that old school feeling of quality mass produced masks when you open the box and got that wiff? i know i did and really sets you in the right mood!

congrats again dude

Wow…that photography is off the chain!

Thank you so much guys :smiley: Yeah Chris you nailed it. That’s exactly what it was like opening the box. It was like I was a kid and I just got my new Halloween mask. One of the greatest feelings ever :pumpkin: