Repainted and rehaired Elrod, needed a more white times mask for the collection since my sinister studios is sort of a grayish-beige.
Sorry for the large pictures I always forget to change settings on my phone and well here at the forum guess we are all entitled for one good head tilt.
Nice! So much cool new talent here lately
Thanks! Oddly had a hell of time keeping it simple, after doing a number of H40s you tend to forget how to just be simple with a standard Myers mask. My first go I had marks all over and shading in places I didn’t need I had to go over it with a white dry brush to hide alot it, which gives certain areas a little darker tone which I think is a nice touch… one again a mistake pays off for me haha
Looks great…hate the stock hair on those Elrods.
I hope to never see hair done like that again on any masks. It reminds me of a piece of shag carpet