My Buried 2 Mask

Even though the Buried 2 pics are on the main page, this mask deserves its own page even though plenty have done their own

My quick thoughts on the buried 2?
Since myn arrived a few days ago. Its a great mask, does it need to be seen in person to get the true feel of how great the mask is? no, in my view I do not see it that way, has plenty of taken detailed vids and pcs, so what I have seen is what I expected. A great mask and I will give my positives and negatives of the Buried 2

The positives
I do not think I have seen another detailed RZ mask out there, waiting on his half mask and it completes my personal buried collection. The attention to detail on the texture of the mask, the hair, the box it comes in, makes this one special collectors piece. It is probably the best RZ Myers mask ever made, maybe behind the first buried. But the extra rotting on the mask, and seeing how it looks like it is crumbling gives it extra marks. A true collectors piece for any hardcore Halloween collector

The negatives
The 400 price tag, is it fair? its half and half, its tough to get any great mask like the B2, but HSS you could buy a artifect or a relic, get it a repaint and it can do the job good enough, it is not a Buried 2, but it avoids that huge price tag. But I do think I overpayed, but that is what you pay for a limited edition Buried mask. At times I feel its not a screen accurate mask, but a custom piece, but I see other angles and Dela has hit this out of the park. In the movie, the mask does not enter these rotting stages, but I like that add on with the rotting stages of the mask

Rating of the Buried 2? 8/10

Buried 2 in the box

Buried 2 with my Dream Sequence

Buried 2 out of the box

The place is a bit of a mess, moving places in october

Killer piece! I like how Dela added the case and stand :slight_smile:
Hope to score and RZ someday but the’re getting hard to choose since each look really nice

Yea the case is one sweet deal to have. I got to get some glue and repair the mask stand, as that is starting to break off

I say get the Dream Sequence has that is my favourite piece, that mask is my fave so much I am choosing that for Halloween this year over the buried 2

Very nice pieces man.
Everytime I start to think about collecting the zombie masks I see another H1 :laughing: :laughing: :drinkers:

Awesome score buddy! :rock: The case is the shizzzzit and the detail on that mask cannot be matched. As you mentioned I have a HSS Relic on the way, and I’m either going to re paint it myself or send it off to Ben Killah, as my skillset lies with 78/81 H1/2. But i’m down for the challenge :rock:

Ya know, I’ve always been a B1 guy myself, but damn if these pics don’t sell the B2 then I don’t know what does! :smiley:

Thanks for the review on the B2! I agree that $400 is a steep price, but having it be a limited run mask makes it easier to accept! I also agree that the B2 looks more like a custom piece, not screen accurate, but does pull off some screen shots! That being said, I would still love to own a B2 because its a bad ass mask! Lovin all the pics you took! Your Dream Sequence is incredible man! Congrats on the score!

Yea when you see a remake mask like this it makes it harder to decide, I avoided getting the current buried 1, because I just think its lacking the magic of the original buried 1, the buried 2 just brings back so much magic that I have seen from the origonal Buried, I had to pull the trigger on this stunning piece.

Yea thanks all. true point RZHF22, I just find it hard to accept paying 400 for a latex mask, but I have oh well. Yea it is defiantly not a screen accurate one, it partly is, Dela just ups the anti in the rotting stages. It is the best Remake mask out there, the dream sequence is my personal fave, and I choosing to use the DS over my B2 for halloween this year, that is how good I rate the DS.

Within 8 to 10 days I will have my costume, pics will go up, only thing left to wait for is the new half mask from dela, and BDS kitchen knife and it completes my Remake Myers collection

The case was a big part of why I bought it,adding the fact it will become a rare mask has only 50 were ever made, which makes it more special. Yea you could get a relic, have someone give it a repaint in a killer way, and you have really injected new life into that mask, which could come close to matching a buried mask for half the price