My Buried2 and Grizzly FX coveralls: pictures added.

Hello All, just wanted to put up some pictures of my Buried 2 #35. And my coveralls custom tailored. Weathered by Grizzly FX.
2014-02-10 18.47.45.jpg
2014-08-01 18.16.39.jpg

Man he nailed those coveralls!! Of course the buried can’t be beat.

Thank you my friend. Yeah Man I can’t believe what he did with the coveralls, he sent me the final pics and my jaw dropped. I’ll post up some costume shots I should be receiving the coveralls tomorrow.

Some shots before my coveralls were weathered:
2014-09-01 13.52.12.jpg
2014-09-01 13.49.44.png
2014-09-01 13.49.04.png
2014-09-01 13.45.56.png

Just bad ass man! I need to get a buried 2 someday! Cant wait to see it with the finished coveralls!

Outstanding man,those shots are stella :slight_smile:
Great to see some more worn shots of the BII in this section :slight_smile:

Shame all 49 were sold out, I do not think there was ever a perfect time to get one, you just have to make sacrifices and pay the brutal price. I was not fully happy with the price I payed, but what comes with the mask in terms of the collectors packaging, the detail of the mask and how limited they are, 400 is not a total kick in the balls.

Dela is throwing everyone a bone if you buy a B2 or the new half mask. If its the packaging of the B2, or the tyler mane inner skulp that comes with the 350 dollar half mask, it does make it satisfying what you do get with the 2 masks, it makes anyone think yea I will pay that little bit extra for the little extras, and the mask itself that looks just like the film. When all said and done, no one will need to keep replacing masks that did not live up to the film, like a HSS.

Agree 100%! Ive seen some buried 2’s on ebay and havent had the money to get one! Now I have the money and have to wait til someone decides to sell. I think this is a good time to get one though, since Halloween is coming and lots of people put their masks up for sale!

Yea true there, only downside with getting one off someone, it will cost more as people do charge for shipping, with dela he never charges more for shipping. Knowing my luck customs will come calling

Thank you guys for the compliments. Here are some costume shots with the finished coveralls: (sorry for the sideways ones)