Hi i am kinda new here , and i can finally post some of my collection pics , of the masks that i have picked up in the little time i have been here.
mind you there are way more out there coming my way. oh and by the way the signatures that you see on some are by William Shatner!!!
i find that in being a big fan of myers i have also developed an obsession with the kirks (maybe because i am a big star trek fan also),
so i figure i will start with the kirks and then when i have had enough then i will continue with the myers masks,
in my opinion it’s because i can see that kirks are harder to come by , am right in saying that?
i mean one day when i have a bout 50 kirks in my possession i could always turn around and say , today i want a myers so all i have to do is buy one or convert any of the kirks,
that’s my logic.
Great collection and I agree you can’t go wrong with a few good Kirks. You hit the nail on the head, if you have a great Kirk mask, it will look awesome as Myers.