k i didnt wanna blow up mikibanes spot an ask him where he got his vest so this is where everyone comes together and helps me lol first of all i have been searchin the net for months nothing comes close to the fox jacket i cant find…but i did find this do you guys think this will do? there are tons of em on eeb
well it looks patterned right but it doesnt look like it will be long enough. that looks like a waist length jacket. tyler is really tall but the jacket in the film still came down past his theigh aways. and i dont think the screen used jacket has cuffed wrists either.
i dont know man. if youve seen someone that has what your looking for i wouldnt hesitate to inquire about it. never hurts to ask right
lol nah the vest was actually really really short…look in revolver the jacket is sooo much longer…and yeah it didnt have cuffs cause ya gotta cut the sleeves off under the vest is a very long kenneth cole wool jacket…
id like to put together the hobo costume also, been wanting to, but its going to be hard to find all the stuff, Z
yea no im pretty sure thats the right jacket. i found one on unclesamsdeals.com… idk if that helps im trying to find a direct link
nah its actually really easy…the only thing is the flannel coat…im actually not gonna buy that you can never see it in the film an its only there for the lining which i created an added to my wool jacket anyway…i actually think the vest in the above link will b perfect when made into a vest from jacket
Haha man it doesn’t hurt my feelings if you ask. i actually asked around alot beleive it or not.
Ok here is the vest
I cut the sleeves off of it just like the movie one then I sprayed it with some type of vinyl spray I don’t have the exact name of the stuff it was my friends.
As for the hood I just bought a cheap hoodie and had it sewed to the vest so it looks like I am wearing the hoodie sweater under it when I am actually not haha it already has enough layers haha.
Any more questions feel free to ask.
the most accuate hood i seen is the one i actually got ill post pics it came off a carhartt jacket with ALL same lining patterns like wheres its sewed
an thanks man haha jus figured i would have some respect incase you wanted to keep that costume exclusive
Ya man I might un sew that and resew a new hoodie on later in time I don’t know yet though. But its not a big deal I don’t have a problem with sharing what I did its not like I am only going to tell you if you buy it from me haha that would be stupid haha.
cool man thanks…an yo if you do get a new hood you should use a carhartt JACKET hood its spot on