How’s it going!
So I finally got my coveralls through in the post the other day so decided to put together a little costume video
Im using my TOTS H2 mask and my new coveralls which are a vintage spruce green style. I haven’t currently got any decent footwear, however I’m hoping to get this sorted soon.
I used my iPhone to film all the footage , however the first bit has been filmed using the back camera and the other half using the front camera. The front camera isn’t as good quality, however I found it was less zoomed in so I could get a better shot with it, especialy for the stairs bit ( you’ll see what I mean when you watch the video) i also used iMovie to edit the footage together.
Like I say this was put together very quickly , I just wanted to get an idea of how the costume looked on me. As it turns out I personally think it looks very good and hopefully il be able to put together some more videos soon
Anyways … Enjoy and let me know what you think !
P.s comment on here please as I don’t check my youtube channel very often.