my halloween kills silicone bust with brandolino mask

here are some photos of my halloween kills bust, the head is from slashousestudio, the mask from brandolino, coverall creepy custom…
click on the photos to see them in detail :slight_smile:
kiklls blue.jpg

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This is one of the nicest busts I’ve seen in my time in the hobby.

thank you very much, it’s a pleasure given the investment I put into it :slight_smile:

Game over right there. :open_mouth: :rock:

haha, thank you very much!

Wow! That’s a killer piece.

thanks slasher!

Amazing piece! Before I scrolled down, that first picture looked like a worn costume shot! Very cool and accurate!

Damn, that is beautiful

Had to check this out again. This bust is literally so nice it gave me reason to watch Kills again tonight. This has a maniacal look and truly exceeds any other busts I’ve seen. It reminds me of the heads all the RZ enthusiasts buy but actually life like. Absolutely amazing and well worth your work dude.

thank :slight_smile:

thank you so much :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Looks great man.

Just amazing. Great score right there :rock: :rock: :rock:

Glad you like it mate !
For anyone interested, I did some shots of it for my YouTube video :slight_smile:

Insanely realistic looking, great photos!