My "Halloween" series drawings

Hello, everyone.

As you may or may not know, drawing is one of my passions. Here, I have made some Halloween series related drawings. They are both of Michael Myers, and they are his incarnations from the second and sixth films of the franchise.

I call them both “Blood Tears” and “Thorned,” respectively.

Please give me your thoughts below. It can be praise or criticism, but please be nice. Also, if you admins feel this is in the wrong section, feel free to move it!

More drawings will be completed soon. Hell, I could even take requests if that’s what you guys want.

Thanks again.

I like them. Nice attention to detail in making sure the masks are different. I really enjoy the quotes featured around the H6 image. I look forward to more drawings.

Thank you!

Best advice I can give is to draw light quick little scratches to form a shape, i find that it helps for my shapes to come out the way i wanted, Idk if I explained that very well. Also take your time. I take like almost 2 hours to make something like these drawings below. Obviously I’m not the best artist in the world and I don’t really draw that much but I’ve come a long way from how I used to draw minus the painting…

Those are pretty good!

Thank you.

Finished the original 1978 classic Myers earlier today. Halloween 4 is coming up afterwards.