My NAG Nightmare UL

Finally got it, I love it so much

Absolutely breathtaking man. The Nightmare is still one of my favorite H1 sculpts and Nikos absolutely killed this from finishing to hair. Congrats on the score!

That’s fucking beautiful, dude!

Fucking beautiful, dude!


Thank you very much

Thank you man :slight_smile:

Appreciate it :hugs:

Looks amazing!

Congratulations, the mask looks great on you! Do you mind describing the difference between the Nightmare and Nightmare Unlimited? Can’t wait for my Shape 78.

great mask and the finish is amazing, I know you ordered a size 25", how large is your head?

The NAG Nightmare is a great mask.

Nice! Did you order straight from Nikos? If so how long was the wait? Currently waiting on a mask from him, just trying to gauge the wait time.

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Wow! Looks awesome. Congrats!

Apparently he was quicker with him

My head is a "23 but I wanted a lot of room.

Regular nightmare is a straight cast off of Billy kirkus’ Kirk mask and it comes in a size "23 only, the nightmare ul is a retooled nightmare for a more hero '78 look and comes in more sizes.

I ordered December 28th and I received it March 11th

Thank you, I plan to get 2 more from Nikos

Awesome, thank you

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