My New 75K Meets JASON!!!! (NEW 75K Closeup Shots)


We were able to get out for another round of pics yesterday and had a lot of fun with this shoot. We decided to play off the theme we touched on a bit last time around with Michael at Crystal Lake searching for Jason on his birthday. First and foremost, the big change we made was with the person inside the Michael Myers wardrobe. I recruited a buddy of mine who is much thinner with a more narrow face. His body structure really compliments Nick Castle and the transition he made inside the costume far exceeded my expectations. I am blown away by some of the shots he pulled off effortlessly.

Let the fun begin!

The Night HE Came to Camp Blood!


I hope to have some close up pics of the 75K real soon. We took some at the end of the shoot, but I didn’t really care for the results. Gonna give that part of the project more focus and better treatment.

Thanks for looking (again!)


First Shoot

Got my new score from Michaelantern yesterday and hit the trail to snag a few worns. In my on-going quest to find the perfect '78, I feel I got a couple steps closer with this one.

This is the NAG/AHG 75K #2. From what I’ve gathered, this second 75K conversion Mike did is arguably his best. Out of the ones I’ve seen I tend to agree. He really nailed it with the eye cuts and the paint job is outstanding. Really happy with this one. What do you guys think?

Something about these next three. When I look at them I think to myself Michael got invited to Jason’s birthday party and he’s having trouble finding it:

Poor guy

Thanks for looking!

WOW man!!! Super mask and fantastic shots.

Great looking shots! Lets get some closeups on that baby! :rock:

Great pictures of a great mask, man! I laughed at the “Jason’s party” bit.


Awesome score and great pics. The best? Hard to say because Mike has done a ton of 75Ks and his work just keeps getting better. Some of his recent work is mind blowing. Definitely a keeper you got. Congrats!


Congrats! Great Mask & Great Pics! :drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers: Bob

Great pics man, glad you are enjoying it. That’s a keeper for sure bro…congrats!

Thx for the cool words, Guys. I’m really stoked about this piece. Will probably take him out again soon, especially when the leaves start falling.

Thx Man. Yea, I made sure to state “of the ones I’ve seen” because there’s a ton of his work I probably haven’t been exposed to yet. I do have one of his other 75K’s though. Great piece, but this one trumps it definitely.

Great score! That’s a fantastic looking mask. :rock:

Easily one of the best 75Ks that Mike has done, and he’ll probably agree. Some awesome pictures in here, dude!

Damn fine mask… Mike nailed it on that one… congrats!!!

Nice mask! I really liked all the outside shots, Man… I definitely dig pic #11! Congrats, and thanks for sharing. …ANDY

Thats a helluva copy you nailed there. Definitely one of the better copies :drinkers:

Beautiful shots and in glorious B/W!
Thanks for sharing!

Fantastic shots dude! Thanks for taking the time to do the outdoor shots, those came out killer as well as all of em! I dig the last pic as well. Im with Davy take some mask shots of that sucker so we can some Mikes artistry close up. :rock:

OP has been updated with shots from our second session!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Brother man that is the Shiiiizzzzittt!! Oh dude I laughed my ass off! :laughing: Those pics are freakin awesome man, you gotta post those at the end of the thread, a lot of cats are gonna miss these. :astonished: That is the coolest set of shots I’ve seen since Ive been on here man. Creative as hell, The 75K looks great, the car shot is just hilarious, and The Jason is excellent! I love the present pics that goes to the buddy shot!
Fantastic job dude, thanks for puttin the work into these and sharing them here. I’ll be looking at this thread for a long time :rock: :drinkers:

Love the new set of pictures, J! Good for a laugh or two, as well. :laughing:
Check this out… :sunglasses:

Outstanding shots!!!

Love the new shots! You make a great Jason. And you buddy made a great Myers as well. :rock: