My NMM78R and Maniac *H4 poster shot added*

couple quick pics
what do ya think

VERY nice masks, dude :smiley:

I miss the maniac Brandon, but I’m glad they are in good hands !

Cool stuff :rock:
That particular NMM78R has very sharp details :sunglasses:

oh dont worry bro I’ll take real good care of him

thanks man yeah I did a little detaling to him

No doubt about that ! :wink:

kinda weird how dif the Maniac and NMM looks from when I first got them
NMM78 when I first got out of the box


Maniac when I first got it out of the box


but I did do a little work to both
also glued the Maniac’s mouth shut

Both of those masks are gems, but I really love your NMM78R!!!

That Maniac is a beaut!!!

i want that maniac

thanks guys

but I think I’m keeping him for a WHILE!!! :smiley:

just playing around

why is the maniacs mouth closed? both look awesome man!

Sweet pics!!

nice masks!!
they look great! esp the NMM :wink:
marcus :mrgreen:

if you ever wanna trade that nmm78r send me a message :slight_smile:


I never really liked the open mouth look on ANY mask
dont know why just me lol

im the same way.
did you glue it?

I’m really digging the NMM78R! That extra weathering really brings out the details.