My sit down interview With Rob Zombie for school project

was fortunate enough to sit down with zombie recently, and ask him so controversial questions, that everyone wants to know the answers to. enjoy { this not edited. its quote unquote]

Me: What’s the fun in horror movies? What’s it all about?

ROB ZOMBIE: For me, it’s just movies, period. Not just horror movies. I just like dark, violent material.


ZOMBIE: I don’t know why. It’s funny because I’m writing this thing about A Clockwork Orange for the DGA magazine, and, while doing some research, I realized that Roger Ebert gave it a horrible review back in 1972, and every reason that he gave for hating it is exactly why I like it.

Me: Hard childhood?

ZOMBIE: I don’t know, I guess. Everybody’s life is weird and fucked up, so you like to see things that are weird and fucked up, I guess.

ME: What was the first movie to scare you as a kid?

ZOMBIE: I think probably the scariest thing, as weird as it sounds, was The Wizard of Oz and the flying monkeys with the witch. I remember seeing that - it STILL seems freaky. That was fucked up.

ME: Willy Wonka scared the shit out of me.

ZOMBIE: Yeah, that too. Even then, you would watch something like Frankenstein, and it wouldn’t even seem scary, but The Wizard of Oz was a fucking freak show, man.

ME:Obviously, you had quite a time restraint to get this movie into theatres, so I hope it didn’t compromise what you wanted to do. Is the movie in theatres what you set out to do? Will there be a longer, director’s cut?

Because I know that there is tons of material that didn’t make it into the movie.

ZOMBIE: Except for The Devil’s Rejects I feel that everything has been compromised in some way by scheduling, because it was the only movie that I ever worked on that had no release date. We worked on it until we got it right (or at least until we thought that we got it right.) I looked it at it and said, “there is nothing left that I want to change. There is nothing left that I want to do.” Whereas I have never had that luxury since, I’m not sure what would be different, but editing is a crucial time, and, when you get rushed through that process, you are never sure that you got exactly the perfect take of every actor - the perfect moment, because there is so much footage to go through.

I mean, you do your best to do it with the time you have, but, in regards to the director’s cut, there is another version of the movie that is very different that will probably be the “director’s cut.” There were two ways that we could have cut the movie. The difference really lies in Laurie’s character. In the theatrical, she is sort of holding it together, and she begins to spiral downward, but in the other version she’s an incredible mess and gets worse. I mean, she never has any good moments. She is horrible, messed up on drugs, and completely spun out through the whole movie, which makes for a really challenging movie to watch, and I feel like fans wouldn’t have embraced so much darkness.

** Spoiler warning**

ME: Is there still a white horse motif in that version?

ZOMBIE: Yeah, everything in that version is the same except for her scenes. Her relationship with Annie is horrible, and they are at each other’s throats throughout the entire movie, which they weren’t in the theatrical.

ME: Could you talk about the inspiration for the white horse?

ZOMBIE: The white horse thing was me trying to find some significant thing that would be a through line… It really could have been anything. It isn’t like that is so significant, but it’s a minor event in young Michael’s life that he has stuck in his brain that I can then tie through to Laurie. The white horse is such a great, visual image, and when I started researching the meaning of dreams (but that seems like a bunch of bullshit to me), they all had a lot of significance with the white horse, so it just seemed like the perfect, childlike image to carry through.

** End spoiler**

This movie seems to be more your style, so how did the two differ for you?

ZOMBIE: This film to me is more of a logical follow-up to The Devil’s Rejects, where Halloween felt like a weird sidestep that, I think because it was someone else’s material, kind of messed with me. I made the first half of the movie my thing and the second half, I felt, I should bring in more John Carpenter beats because that’s what people are going to be expecting, but, as soon as I started doing that, I don’t think I had quite the same enthusiasm for the film that I did when it was new stuff. That’s why, with this movie, I tried to flip all of them [them characters] upside down and make them my characters.

ME:What do you think of Hostel and the Saw series?

ZOMBIE: [After explaining that he doesn’t see many scary movies in theatres] It gets weird because I really want to go to Eli’s movies to support Eli. Saw - I saw the first one but haven’t seen the other ones. It’s not my type of thing. Even if they are awesome, it’s just not my type of thing.

His thoughts on labels such as “torture porn:”

ZOMBIE: I’m definitely of the mindset of “I wouldn’t want to be part of any group that would have me as a member.” If there is one thing that, as a director, you don’t want to be a part of, it’s a group. It’s the same thing with music. I don’t want to be a part of a scene. Just leave me alone. It’s just my nature, and it’s nothing against the people that are in that group, but I just like to be left alone.

ME:Is Tyrannosaurus Rex really about a dinosaur?

ZOMBIE: No, actually it’s not at all. It’s actually a boxing movie. It’s about this guy who’s name is Rex, and his nickname is Tyrannosaurus Rex. It’s about this washed up prize fighter who goes to prison for assaulting these guys in a bar because he’s got this born to lose personality. By the time he gets out of prison, he is too old to box, so he gets caught up in underground fighting and is so filled with rage that he can’t control himself in normal society. So that’s pretty dark. That might be my next movie.

ME:Would you hope that this would go back to, as you said about The Devil’s Rejects, giving you the freedom to take your time [in producing it]?

ZOMBIE: I will not make another movie under these circumstances. When you lock a movie’s release date and then movie it two months, it’s just not good. It’s good for everything but the cast, crew, and people who are creatively trying to make a film. Post is the part that can make or break a film. With Devil’s Rejects, we didn’t have reshoots [it had a low budget], but we had the time to craft it. Luckily, I always use the same editor, and he immediately gravitates toward the takes that I like. The problem is that nobody makes movies anymore - they make schedules and they make budgets.

ME: What do you think about those people who said you “killed” the halloween series?

ZOMBIE: I dont pay attention to those people all that much, they have their opinions, And the funny thing is, when i asked john Carpenter about how he felt of My Halloween intake. He pretty much said Give it your all Make it your fuckin movie. and we actually watched part of it together and he was satisfied with it. so for those who look down upon my movies, can say and think what they want. it doesnt bother me.

Me: Do you think The Halloween series will Be Remade completley?

ZOMBIE: Well, If it is it wont be as good as it’s original [to the die hard fans at least]. but for those who dont have a full understanding or prespective of Halloween Just may enjoy it a tad but more than the Hardcore fans. i do know that Patrick lussier has plans to make Halloween H3 which im looking forward to seeing.

Me: Do you have any part in it?

ZOMBIE: No. i have shared my thoughts and view of Halloween, And im proud of it.

Me: What do you think Of the internet fans.

ZOMBIE: well, the people on the internet love to start all kinds of bullshit. They always say they heard about so and so is making this movie, and so and so is making that movie. Where the fuck did you hear that [laughs] people like to excite others when its not true. i actually have a profile on a coupl of websites involving Halloween and its incredible, the stuff i read somrtimes is so far from ture.

ME: may i ask the Profile names and websites?

ZOMBIE: i would like to keep this classified for now.

Me:…ok, why was tyler mane your go to guy for michael? and do you think he’ll be in H3?

ZOMBIE: Tyler was always going to be michael in my film. I had planned on doing H1 at least for a year or so before the news broke out. And tyler was interested. but he had always had a shtick with people who wanted to try on the mask. It was his maks in his view which was funny, Because he loved pretending to beat up, skylar, and Daeg, who would put the mask on from time to time, but they enjoyed tyler’s company [at least when he wasnt playing Michael] as we all did. And as far as i know, Im not sure whos in H3.

Me: last question, Why dont you think anyone has come up with Michael Vs. jason?

ZOMBIE: im not sure, people would love to see it. iI think it’s because Michael’s world is just so different from jason’s and it just wouldnt make sense to make these diverse and horrifying monsters collide. There wouldnt be enough back story, or explanation as to why they’re fighting. it would be ambiguous.

ME: well Rob i want to thank you on behalf of Myself, and for taking the time to construct this hour and a half interview.

ZOMBIE: [extends hand] its been my pleasure. Take care.

I was doing this interview for a school project. the topic was heros and villians. i decided to Interview the man who made the most famous villian that much scarier. i got a fifty out of thirty on this assignment. Rob seemed to love the fact that i was only 14 years old and was in love with Halloween. he though people my age still watched Sponge Bob square pants. He is an awesome man, with a great sense of humor and is one of the most polite ppl ull ever meet.

Cool interview, but why do you have it posted twice in different places?

Cool interview, man!

if thats indeed through and through then thats very cool
but i got to ask, how did you (at age 14) manage a sit down interview with rob zombie?

Im really curious about this myself???

well, he was at a convention for all of the Halloween Lovers in orlando. I was there myself. So i asked him if i could do this. he said “yea sure i have nothing better to do but sit here” So yea it was awesome.

He was at the recent horror convention in Orlando??? First Im hearing about this.

I thought he was busy preparing for his world tour…

i live in orlando and have heard nothing about this, where was this convention held at?

Dude are you referring to the Freak Show horror film convention? I don’t recall RZ being a guest nor did anyone I know who went. What con/fest was this???

ya i heard he’s been workin his ass off prepping for the tour.

this sounds pretty full of bull to me but if you really did meet him that’s badass. If this is just a made-up interview you made for your school or just for us thats just sad

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yea idk about this one. would be cool, but i dont see someone like rob zombie at a convention saying he has nothing better to do. i could be wrong, but i would imagine he would have quite a good amount of people wanting to talk and get autographs and all.

ok. I have audio of the interview. ill try to put it on here. But i was one of the last ones to talk with him i waited SIX hours!!! hes doin the same thing in ohio, hes goin to some kind of convention in cleveland. guys. im not a liar, I hate people like that. i wouldnt fuck u guys over like this. I swear

Hi guys this def is a SCHOOL PROJECT. Does no one else recognise the difference between the real interview (thats about a month old) and posted here

to the made up bits…

everything after

ME: What do you think about those people who said you “killed” the halloween series?

Hi guys this def is a SCHOOL PROJECT. Does no one else recognise the difference between the real interview (thats about a month old) and posted here

to the made up bits…

everything after

ME: What do you think about those people who said you “killed” the halloween series?

Haha nice try, WorshipMichaelMyers.

lol thats to funny when i read this i was like RZ wouldn’t sit down with a 14 year old kid for a hour and a half for a school project even when people do signings its like hi nice to meet you thats it. But good try :laughing:

Uh Oh. Mortified for the guy!!
