My small collection of myers masks

I guess im still new to this whole thing since i registered back in october, but I managed to acquire 4 indi masks in a month…i have certainly slowed down since focusing on quality over quantity. My next purchase is probably going to be a very rare expensive mask. But for now, these will do. I really wish I could get my hands on a DB2 in the future. I took some pictures of my small collection not including mass produced/cases/posters/photos/props. Hope you guys like them.

You got a great lineup so far!

Sweet collection man!!Every one is awesome!

love those NAG’s brotha!!!

Great collection you have budding there man!!

nice collection man

killer line up bro :rock:

Dude…I LOVE your collection and NEVER get tired of looking at it :prayer: . Every one of those puppies are so nice. You have a lot to appreciate there brotha!
Very, Very nice…Post these beauties more often :smiley:
Nick :rock:

WOW thanks so much for the kind words Blackest Eyez88, sickwitit77, drewscott5, Myerstat, X Psycopath, EmbodiedHost, and Myers N San Diego! Much appreciated my friends. :smiley:

sweet collection bro, that H78 is a sweet ass copy man, it has a certain look to it that makes it stand out bro…

Hey thanks alot Eddie King24!! I think that H78 is going to be one of those I never let go. I thought of getting it converted (even though it has a special AHG style finishing already) but I changed my mind and going to keep it as is. :sunglasses:

i would leave as is bro, definitely

You have some killer pieces here! Lookin’ sweet and thanks for the pictures… :smiley:

Everyone has a better Mask Collection than I do :laughing: .
I love all your masks, man. I wish I had gotten masks like those right away after I registered…about 3-4 years ago :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Great masks!!

The 4 Horseman!! Awesome collection!!

Awsome collection you have there, Iv’e been on this site a little longer and you already have 4 masks to my 3… Dean

Thanks so much for the compliments J Gobears04, Halloween9, Michael Aspinwall, whiteshark and dadrinin. Hopefully I add some more killer pieces to my collection. Im very excited about Halloween 2010 this year, so Im sure Ill have additional pieces just in time for Halloween. And dadrinnin you have some killer masks, one thing I learned is its not the quantity of masks that matters. :sunglasses:

those masks are pure awesome and they really stand out in the gallery on my site! :smiley:

Sweet collection! :drinkers: